$ABI and $SOO
$ABI is minted through the Treasury, and the supported price for $ABI is 0.1U ($ABI≥0.1U)
$ABI User Acquisition Logic
Purchase from Arbisoo Secondary Market: Assume the $ABI trading price is $10. A trader with $1,000 purchasing $ABI on Arbisoo can acquire 100 $ABI.
Treasury Minting of $ABI Users can purchase treasury bonds to mint new $ABI, enjoying a price discount of 1%-15% during minting.
For example, a user invests 1,000 USDT to mint $ABI from the treasury. If the treasury minting price is $0.90 per $ABI (a 10% discount), then 1,000 USDT can mint 1,111 $ABI from the treasury.
Mining $ABI through Computing Power Users can stake $ABI or invite others to stake to gain mining power. $ABI is distributed according to the share of computing power.
$ABI Consumption Logic
Several burn mechanisms are in place, working together with the treasury backing mechanism to ensure price stability:
The flexible portion of treasury income, excluding risk-free asset value, is invested through Arbisoo AI trading and arbitrage strategies. Profits are announced weekly, and $ABI is bought back and burned.
Part of Arbisoo exchange fee revenue is used for weekly buybacks and burns.
Profits from Arbisoo’s contract market-making business are also used for announced buybacks and burns.
Contribution Token $SOO
$SOO is the platform’s reward acceleration token. Users can obtain $SOO rewards by inviting others to stake $SOO or by user transfer. There is no set issuance amount or pre-issuance, and the initial issuance price is 1 USDT.
Use Cases
$SOO is used to accelerate the unlocking of $ABI staking rewards. Whenever $SOO is used for acceleration, the $SOO involved is burned.
In summary, $SOO can be obtained through staking invitations or user transfer. It has a single application—accelerated burning. As a result, $SOO remains in a state of continuous strong consumption.
Last updated